Eco-Gites of Lenault Walks - Saint Jean le Blanc

Welcome to the first of a series of guided walks that all start and finish at Eco-Gites of Lénault. We will be adding new ones over the next few weeks and they will also be available in laminated form in the gite for our guests.
Saint Jean Le Blanc
Distance - 8kms
This walk takes you to the neighbouring village of Saint Jean le Blanc. It has a few short road sections and several quite sharp climbs and descents. Sturdy and waterproof footwear is advised.
Image credit (Marsangle Chapel) - Paul Willis
Image credit (Church at Saint Jean le Blamc): Par Ikmo-ned — Travail personnel, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Route to Saint Jean le Blanc
Walk out of our back gate and turn right onto the footpath. This is GR221, a long distance path which goes from Pont D'Ouilly to Coutances.
At the T-junction turn left and walk down the valley.
When you reach the road turn right and at the next junction bear left towards Vassy and Saint Vigor des Mezerets.
Just before the river (The Druance), turn right towards Bény Bocage and Saint Jean le Blanc (D298). You will pass the small chapel on your right, the Chapelle Notre Dame de Pitié. It was built in 1789 by Etienne Sébire, a rich Lénault landowner and restored in 1888. It is now just in the commune of Saint Jean le Blanc. You can read more about the River Druance and other Normandy rivers here - Rivers of Normandy.
After the chapel pass some houses on your left take the footpath in front of the last building , a garage. Take this path uphill and continue until it becomes a tarmac road.
At the next road junction turn right towards Saint Jean le Blanc.
Walk through the village noting the church on your left. It has an Imperial style of tower, often seen in Normandy. You can read more about Normandy churches here - Normandy Churches.
Turn right just in front of the building with a tower (the road forks here) and then immediately turn sharp right on the track in front of the Mayor’s Office and Post Office (Mairie and La Poste). You will also see an old phone box here that has been converted into a mini book exchange.
Continue along this path dropping down into the valley and across the river, then back up the other side.
Follow the path all the way to the road. In winter this path takes the route of a spring-fed stream so can be rather wet underfoot.
At the road turn right and head towards Lénault. Turn right onto the track just in front of the glass recycling bins and old lavoir (village wash house). In the days before washing machines every village had a communal wash house called a lavoir and most have now been restored. Many are on rivers but the one at Lénault would have been spring fed as the village has no river running through it.
Walk down hill until you reach a small hamlet and then take the first left up the tarmac road.
Turn right at the junction. Continue along the road, past the large roadside cross on your left and turn left into the farm named La Fosse and Le Grippey. Walk along to the farm buildings keeping on the tarmac track.
At Le Grippey turn right along the track. Be aware that in winter this track can be very muddy.
Follow this track to the stream which you cross (can be quite deep in winter) and continue along the narrow path with the stream below you to your right.
At the top of the hill turn left at the La Caucesserie waymarker and retrace your steps back to our gate.
Guide for walkers not starting at Eco-Gites of Lenault
Start this walk in Saint Jean le Blanc. You can park at the Mairie/Post Office just in front of the school. When you reach the La Caucesserie waymarker do not turn left but continue down the hill, picking up further directions at the start.
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