We have DUCKLINGS at Eco-Gites of Lenault

Just over a month ago, Hettie, one of our ducks disappeared only for me to find her few days later behind an old freezer and sitting tight on a clutch of eggs. I had decided I would not let her sit this year as last year she sat of 2 clutches of eggs and she only managed to hatch 2 ducklings and one of those disappeared as she was a rather inattentive mother. I was also rather concerned that our drake, Harold, is now rather elderly and I was unsure of his fertility. Fast forward a year, though, and it seems Harold has no problems with fertility and Hettie has matured into a very good Mother. No getting off the nest for too long and of the 18 eggs she was sitting on she has successfully hatched THIRTEEN little bundles of yellow and black fluff! Well done Hettie.
Apologies for the rather poor photo quality but the ducklings are sill inside and Hettie isn't too happy with me getting very close! The first photo was taken on Day 1 on the nest with all the newly hatched ducklings staying put under Mum. The other 3 photos were taken the day after as Hettie brought them out for us to see ... from a distance!! Hettie's open beak is accompanied with hissing and I was more than happy to keep my distance.
So folks - are these not more cute than a certain recently born royal baby?